Saturday, 31 July 2010
british stuff

Thursday, 29 July 2010
it's that time again

Gutted and a massive thankyou to South West ambulance for not letting me take leave this w/end- and it's me birthday too...bollox.
Darren, ern, guy, trawler, ed, GG, anyone else...your mission is to party hard. don't break down. contact the stockers. and take your bloody camera!!
excess all areas

Monday, 26 July 2010
here you go daz

to be honest, I kinda want to leave Guy's pix at the front of the blog, they are WICKED. can't wait to see that thing for real. But here's the tubes I was talking about. They'll even bend them up to any supplied pattern. shade over a one-er with axle plates and everything.
plus I vow...no more daydreaming on my part. I won't stop putting kool rides up on the site, but no more BS without spanners turned and welders fired up.
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Well what can I say but "RIGHT ON".This is a top day as Guys aka THE MESSIAH'S doctors coup hit the road for the first time today.Big smiles all round as the 3 way project (Big Ern,Pete and THE MESSIAH) makes daylight.Everyone has worked real har
d on getting this 1927 Doc' coup body into to a cracking pinto powered old school rod.
d on getting this 1927 Doc' coup body into to a cracking pinto powered old school rod.
This was a proper labour of love and some big respect and thanks goes out to Pete and Big Ern for helping Guys dream come true.
Lads you done us proud and just in time for the HAYRIDE.
Guys dream of having a MUNSTER ride is now a reality.The great man was clearly moved by the dedication of his friends and loved ones.Keep an eye on this one as its going to turn into something really gothic.
Saturday, 17 July 2010
no, this one

roll on building time- but i'll be keeping it real simple cos college has a shitstorm brewing for me!
on another note- anyone found a good supplier of pinstripe gear? pinstriping uk are kinda pricey, and various US-based suppliers haven't been forthcoming with contact. any ideas gratefully received.
also, no pix yet, but i did a final polish on one of Darren's cast club plaques the other day. it came out a treat, the big guy's really done us proud. watch out for these beauties (that's the cars and plates, not the geezers) at the hayride in a week or so.
Thursday, 15 July 2010
speak louder than words

If you hadn't noticed, the pictured bike is yet another from japanese master builders 'crazy orange'. Personally I don't care about 'jap style', 'west coast style' 'east coast' 'brat style' or whatever, it ain't a fashion thing.
CLUB NEWS- Darren has just finished a bunch of plaques ready for the hayride. they are fuckin' SWEET. I've got one to polish up just so the big guy desn't steal all the glory (only joking bruv).
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
wot's all this then?

I wish I could bring more of that sloptail in the background. Note the use of heat wrap and discarded front guard, it must be a 'bobber'.
Monday, 12 July 2010
Life's a drag

thanks to ol skool rods for not letting me borrow these cool shots, I'm sure they won't mind. Sepia tones make Avon park look like Bakersfield...if ya squint.
Havoc is a wicked fuel altered, that's what it's all about as far as I'm concerned- short wheelbase and LONG hemi power, boo yah. not sure about the dodgy geezer in the flying hat.
Friday, 9 July 2010
Thursday, 8 July 2010

Ok time for something a little bit different.Now this my friends is the 1938 PHANTOM CORSAIR and its a one off.Ive seen this monster in the flesh and it is massive.When I saw it it rolled down a hill with no one in it and went straight through a band stand ! Only minor damage to the car but totally fucked the bandstand.Mental.It must be like 22-23 feet long,its huge.This is without doudt my ALL TIME favorite car.Pure class.Talk about steamliner.It was built for the nipper of the HEINZ family,he was 22 (lucky fucker),he wanted to put it into production but just before he took delivery he died in a car crash (not so lucky fucker).He never got to drive it.Anyway I dig it and thought you might too.

Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Rumblers NYC

Random Rumblers koolness...flames AND stripes on a kickin' shoebox ford- too much? you decide... nice wheels anyhow; and one for the D-man, a totally rusted out ratty flathead ford. Fake patina I think not. (That alternator kinda spoils the effect, but at least it probably keeps it on the road). Sweet inspiration.
Tuesday, 6 July 2010

WOW this is probably bordering on just too much love for a humble sportster motor, but how nuts is this stuff? That lower one looks like he's actually built up the metal on the valve covers and engraved that, whatever, it sure looks nice.
and yes- this probably is 'gay' but what the fuck, I dig 70s style, takes me back to my yoof, custom car shows at ally pally and all that.
Sunday, 4 July 2010
Check this beauty.Now Im not a massive fan of full fenders ,I generally opt for the bare bones gangbangers, but this fucker is the nuts and it aint even chopped
.Infact leaving it full height is a stroke of genius.Its even running a lovely detailed 4banger.This is the nicest pickup I have seen in years.Do you want to know something else ? Its just sold for 10 large ! What a bargain.Shit I would have paid that all day long.Sweet.
Guy aka 'THE MESSIAH' is favoring full height on his Doctors coupe .
Thats nearly on the road .Bloody hell about time too.We must be due some pics.

Guy aka 'THE MESSIAH' is favoring full height on his Doctors coupe .
Thats nearly on the road .Bloody hell about time too.We must be due some pics.


A couple of sunday drivers for you. gotta love stripes...maybe ya don't, but here's some nice lines for your perusal. Cream an' red one-shot on black certainly does it for me.
But...bleedin' HEADRESTS??? Is this guy for real? maybe he had a whiplash; where there's blame there's a claim. Or is it a low cost loan at your convenience?
Too much bleedin' cable tv does you no good at all.
Saturday, 3 July 2010

i can't get over filler's fantasies of his surf van, the only foo foo you're getting hold of is yer own hairy arse in the back of yer work van, bruv.
check out these beauties from the rumblers car club of new yoik. kool as...blows that POS 70s C10 right off the park, for sure.
and dazzer...no i don't want to download your extensive will young CD collection.
Is this some kind of sick joke ? Are you really telling me that your come back to my SUPER SWEET '70's SURF VAN is that yellow crime to mankind ? Please remind me why I hang out with you again ? It must be my need to help the retarded.MAN ! Its a gay colour,its WAY too shinie and it has billet wheels.The only time you'd drive this is when youre on your way to Brakeback mountain you fag.Have you not learnt anything.Get out of the '90's.Ok so you want to play the gay C10,well my friend thats fine with me but I might just have to slap you back in the face with a c10 of my own.A fraction of the price but infinately cooler

Mate I bet there still cow shit in the back.You just dont get it do you.Now go have a good long hard look at your self in the mirror,youre not only letting us down but mostly your letting yourself down.Frankly its sad..........and its your round.So get your money out and get down the offies.
Friday, 2 July 2010
back off mofo

Alright Gaybo I see your suburban and smack you back with this 1974 FORD E-SERIES 'Surf van'.Now this IS fucking cool.Forget ferrying the kids about.Its the '70's ,the sun is shining,we're down the beach and Im banging some hot sun kissed blonde honey in hot pants ,roller skates with bikini suntan marks and a hairy foo foo.The van is a rocking and if you come a knocking i'll punch your fucking lights out.Now piss off Im going to ride the tube.

Thursday, 1 July 2010
dream on

my wish list is as ever in a state of perpetual motion, and one set of wheels I need in my non-existent garage is one o' these, a good old chevy suburban. Perfect for getting the rugrats on board for cruisin' and all round fun.
I found this one on ebay USA, and tho' it's a little shiny, is definitely a nice example. That 3/4 angle shot is the nuts, ain't it? I could just see this baby on airbags, flat black with a silver flake roof panel, baby moons with piecrust cokers, an' a warm 350 under the hood...hmm good.
oh yeah, and a 'los bastardos' plaque hanging off the back.
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